Smallfolk loved King Baelor I Targaryen, although his generosity alarmed the nobility. King Aegon III Targaryen tried to feed the hungry and entertain the smallfolk. Tens of thousands of smallfolk died during the Dance of the Dragons. Smallfolk turned against their son, Aenys I Targaryen, after he wed his children, Princess Rhaena and Prince Aegon to each other. Queen Rhaenys Targaryen was concerned for smallfolk and aided her brother, King Aegon I Targaryen, in gaining their allegiance. Harren Hoare beggared lords and smallfolk during the construction of Harrenhal.
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (hailed as the "Realm's Delight" in her youth but hated at the end of her life) ĭuring the Century of Blood, many smallfolk in Essos fled before the Dothraki. Queen Rhaena Targaryen (feared by the smallfolk at the end of her life). King Aenys I Targaryen (loved at the start of his reign but hated by the end of it).
Elissa Farman (on Fair Isle at least). Popularity with the smallfolk Popular characters The Poor Fellows, an order of the Faith Militant, accepted members regardless of their status or their sex. The Faith of the Seven allows all to become septons or septas. Smallfolk are allowed to join the Citadel of Oldtown, where they study to become maesters. It is possible for smallfolk to join city guards or the Night's Watch with the possibility of becoming a commander, like Janos Slynt, Commander of the City Watch of King's Landing. Successful merchants can sometimes be ennobled, such as the founder of House Spicer, a wealthy merchant whose father was lowborn. This saved the castle garrison from starvation, and Davos was rewarded by Stannis Baratheon with land, keep, and knighthood, becoming a landed knight.
Great service may also be rewarded with knighthood as exemplified by the smuggler Davos, who slipped through the naval blockade during the siege of Storm's End. For example, Ser Duncan the Tall became Lord Commander of the Kingsguard for King Aegon V Targaryen.
Hedge knights are usually born as smallfolk, but they may rise to higher positions. The labors mentioned in the books are:Įven though they are born in the lowest social status in Westeros, it is possible for smallfolk to rise in social status. They usually learn their trade from their parents who have learned it from their parents and so forth. Most smallfolk remain on the lower end of the social ladder all their lives. Smallfolk are often superstitious some may believe that if a woman eats rabbit while pregnant, her child will be born with long floppy ears. Some among the smallfolk may believe the world to be flat. The people of Lys, both noble and smallfolk, resemble the Valyrians of old. The opposite is true in Braavos, where nobles dress in dark hues while bravos are brightly colored. In Westeros the smallfolk often dress in raw wool and dull brown roughspun, while nobles wear colored velvets, silks, and samites. Bastards with a lowborn parent can be called baseborn. They are far removed from the major players of the game of thrones, but are affected by those decisions, good or bad. They often name their daughters after flowers and herbs, like Violet or Tansy, and peasant girls are more likely to bleed from losing their maidenhead on wedding nights.
Instead of castle-forged steel or lances, they are more likely to use staffs as weapons. They use roads which are crooked muddy tracks that do not appear on parchment maps. With xenophobia on the rise, and the rhetoric of “ swarms” and “ cockroaches” in the air, it’s a message that’s more important now than ever. Brooker may bludgeon us over the head with it, but maybe our heads were in need of some bludgeoning.Most smallfolk are poor, illiterate people living provincial, humble, and simple lives. Without spoiling the twist – though you’ll see it coming a mile off – the message of Men Against Fire is one of compassion. The conclusion consists of two people in an empty room discussing ideas of right and wrong, and it’s by far the finest part of the episode. The Twilight Zone is often name-checked as Black Mirror’s spiritual ancestor and this episode is the most Twilight Zone-ish of the season, but in the least fashionable way: it’s a moral parable.